Post-Docs are integral to successful research at OSU. We are so glad you are here in Corvallis! OPA offers a variety of resources and opportunities to help you get the most out of your experience here and prepare for continued success in the future.
You might also like to visit the OSU Experience site!
OPA welcomed postdocs not only from 2022, but from nearly 2 years ago due to the COVID pandemic limiting all in-person events on April 12, 2022. This lunch meet-and-greet involved an informative talk by Dr. Steph Bernell, Associate Dean of the Oregon State University Graduate School and a visit by Marueen Childers, administrative support for postdoctoral programs to allow all postdocs to gain insight and to ask questions about responsibilities we have as postdoctoral scholars and fellows. We are thankful for Dr. Bernell and Maureen for taking time out of their day to help us! One of the most exciting parts about this event was visiting with one another to discuss research interests, career goals, postdoctoral life, and just getting to know one another (pizza was definitely a plus)! OPA is very excited to continue hosting and organizing events for the OSU postdoctoral community and continue fostering friendships among OSU postdocs.
OPA held an event welcoming new postdocs to our community on September 17th, 2019. The lunch meet-and-greet event was open for all post docs and was a fantastic opportunity to warmly welcome new postdocs, find out more about the OPA and the events we organize and ask your fellow companions any and all questions about being a postdoc at OSU! Dr. Yanyun Zhao, Associate Dean (Graduate School and Postdoctoral Programs) and Professor (Department of Food Science & Technology) at OSU, was our special guest, along with Maureen Childers and Kristin Bergevin from the Graduate School.
OPA has created a handbook for exploring and thriving at OSU.
Download the pdf and let the adventure begin!
Also an Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a useful tool to help plan out your time here.
OSU is full of resources and opportunities. Corvallis is a great place to be!
We encourage everyone to experience the Oregon way of life.
The National Postdoctoral Association was formed to assist postdocs, postdoc mentors, and administrators. The NPA provides useful information on a wide variety of topics. Because Oregon State University is a sustaining member of the NPA, OSU faculty, staff, and postdocs at Oregon State University may apply for free affiliate membership. Information on membership is available on their web page. Once you navigate to the web page, choose the membership link.
2018 NPA Annual Meeting: An OPA representative (Cheng Li) attended the 2018 NPA Annual Meeting, raised important issues and gathered relevant information for the postdoctoral community at OSU.
Postdoc Journal, a Journal of Postdoctoral Research [JPR], is a professional peer-reviewed multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary Open Access international publication.
With approximately 120,000 postdocs worldwide, around 90,000 working in the US alone spread across hundreds of universities and research institutions, these young scientists are a major force behind almost all major breakthroughs in many fields of research with their inherent creative and hardworking nature. Postdoc Journal aims to highlight this fact by providing an exclusive platform to showcase their contributions. The journal, with a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary approach, publishes research findings in ALL fields postdocs conduct research in, and is chalked out to be a monthly/bi-monthly publication set to release on the 20th of each month. The journal accepts original research papers, reviews, perspectives, commentaries, progress articles, methodologies as well as research highlights - a 300-500 word summary of the most recent publication [60-90 days] in any journal that has an impact on ongoing research in that field. All submissions go through a rigorous peer-review process before accepting. The general time frame from submission to acceptance for well-written articles has been less than 6 weeks.
All manuscripts should be sent to [email protected] or can be submitted online through an automated system. Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter and contacts of 3 to 5 referees, experts in your focus of research. Please check author guidelines for additional info.
Postdoc journal is endorsed by an excellent panel of advisers, highly accomplished scientists and academicians, including a Nobel Laureate. The current editorial board consists of accomplished postdocs from various universities and research institutions representing a range of disciplines.